Watching the World Move
Kristina Kubala Kristina Kubala

Watching the World Move

Becoming engrossed by the simple intricacies of life can lull us into rapture. It’s how we can relearn what it means to be alive – by noticing and becoming enthralled by it all

Some call it meditation or mindfulness

I call it living life alive

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The Pearl of the World
Kristina Kubala Kristina Kubala

The Pearl of the World

People often ask how to choose a place to travel, or an XYZ plan to follow

I go to what strums upon the song of my soul. In a world where science has become akin to the god of life, I like to surrender to the unknown

I allow myself to be drawn to the mysterious and to be led by that which cannot be explained. I have romanticized this rebellious nature

And it has yet to do me wrong

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Desires of the Soul
Kristina Kubala Kristina Kubala

Desires of the Soul

Many preach about the power of manifesting, but few know that we manifest from the place of the soul, from the truth within us

The problem is, we have long since forgotten how to speak the language of the soul. It has become an inaudible whisper, something we can't begin to fathom if we can't even hear it

This is why we sometimes manifest that which we fear most

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Kristina Kubala Kristina Kubala


If you want to change the world, you need only reclaim your own light so that its brilliance lights the way for those around you to find theirs.

You need only fill yourself with love, so that is what can pour forth from you and onto others.

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Magic & Miracles
Kristina Kubala Kristina Kubala

Magic & Miracles

May we live among the magic and miracles of life

A sentirse y vivir regocijado rodeado por los milagros, la magia, y la belleza de esta unica vida

So we don’t ever forget that this world is too beautiful to live too long in our grievances and vexations.

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La Muerte Que Me Falta
Kristina Kubala Kristina Kubala

La Muerte Que Me Falta

In the many deaths, or endings, we face in a lifetime, how do we choose to navigate what lies ahead? Do we choose faith in ourselves or fear of the unknown?

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