
  • Whole-personal holistic approach to improving your unique communication needs.

  • 1:1 intensive + compassionate healing & transformation

  • Burn out solutions for you and your career

  • Whether it's questions about travel, career, healing, or anything in between. I’d love to connect so that I can understand your story and perhaps guide you to where your next steps are.


Woman of the World

My services reflect and are a product of the education I’ve received, the books I’ve read & researched, and the real life adversities and debacles I’ve lived through.

I have gone beyond the confines of what the classrooms and universities have taught me and have sought out the wisdom that can only be acquired by first-hand and barefoot experiences.

I began traveling the world to see its wonders, to hear its voice, and to feel the beat of its pulse reverberating mine.

To be of service to others, one must be of service to themselves and to be of service to yourself, you must know the self.

That’s precisely what I’ve been doing all these years. The exploration inwards, into the deep crevasses of my spirit, to the core of my soul began with me stepping foot on the path.

So above, so within, so without

Above all, I’ve earned unparalleled freedom from the paradoxical truth of my own beautiful insignificance and of the infinite power I have within and —

How I belong to know where in particular, but to it all

Hence the grandiose yet humbling self-identification as a woman of the world

While many look upon me and think I’m some sunny California surfer girl (I’m from Pennsyltucky should you care to know), they don’t see into the depths of depression and abysmal apathy I’ve lived with for a majority of my life. I’ve lived at the very bottom of the human experience and know firsthand what it takes to find your own light, to love yourself, and to choose to live life on purpose.

Here’s to finding & shining our own light within,


The term Woman of the World may seem to carry with it a weight and air of above-ness or superiority when, in fact, it is one of total humility. The name came to me in the flow of travel. It was in this moment of being completely engrossed in life that I felt like I belonged to it all, yet to no place in particular. The word Rooted came to me amidst a multi-day trek in the middle of the Cordillera Blanca in the Peruvian Andes. I touched a part of my true self in that sacred land, and as I looked outward and upward, I saw the sturdiness of the mountains reflecting back my own impenetrable roots that grounded me to the Earth below.

Impenetrable if I make that conscious choice to be so rooted in who I am, that my spirit flows with graceful ease…connected to all around me and all within me.

“Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.”

–– Marianne Williamson